Monthly Archives: May 2017

A plan for now

I’ve been crafting a mental summer bucket list, as the days grow long and hot; a reminder that summer approaches. I don’t want to lie on the couch all season and complain. I need to grab life by the horns, or however you grab life.

I’m picturing library trips, dancing through sprinklers, exploring the various thrift and vintage shops down the street, and lots of trips to swimming pools. 

I’m reminded daily that my life is not as awesome as the instagram squares I scroll through. I don’t get to sneak off to the beach whenever my heart desires. It can still be wonderful, though. I can create some intentional goals and I can make the most of the hours and minutes each day. And I can focus on being content instead of contentious. 

I will choose to find joy in a muddy plastic swimming pool, and laugh with my wild boys who happen to be running naked in our backyard.

Because this is me, now. I am going to enjoy my now. 

What’s on your summer bucket list?
